Social Studies Imagi-Nation Projects
Students have been working hard on their map projects in social studies. The "due date" was set for today but, for a variety of reasons, not all students met that deadline. It's okay. Please check in with your student to see if they're someone that should be finishing that map at home this weekend. Students were invited to bring home any materials they thought they might need to finish it up. All projects should be finished and turned in on Monday. Thanks for your support. A picture of the scoring rubric is below. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Report Card Update
Report cards will be sent out again via email on Monday, January 29th. We believe the snafus have been resolved. If you do not receive a report card please contact Anissa Davis in the main office at
A reminder that tickets from this year's PTO fundraiser should be returned to school by Thursday, February 1st.
CBMS 3 Cs Awards for Quarter 2
Students across all teams were recognized for our school's 3 Cs: Caring, Curious, and Connected. Make sure you check out the photos to see the winners from Team Phoenix!